Don’t Rule Yourself Out
How To Step Into Your Greatness
When it comes to stepping out of our comfort zones and stepping onto our divine platforms, it’s easy to rule out ourselves when we become comfortable in giving excuses.
I remember vividly how I almost ruled myself out of the ministry platform on the grounds of inexperience, under-qualification, lack of confidence, comparing myself with others, self-belittling, low self-esteem, and the big one, a sense of unreadiness.
The more I enjoyed swimming in the pool of excuses, the more it became easy to give excuses effortlessly.
Nothing frustrates potential than a habit of giving excuses and giving in to excuses. All this being said, the biggest down side with excuses is that they don’t get the job done.
Nothing frustrates potential tan a habit of giving excusesand giving in to excuses
Daniel Manyanga
Beware of ruling yourself out of divine opportunities and platforms because you’re too conscious of yourself and the environment.
The scripture is full of men and women who could have completely ruled themselves out of divine and defining moments. However, what made the difference was that they were willing to step out in
order to step in.
Just to mention a few;
- Sarah could have ruled herself out of becoming the mother of nations on the grounds of age. In life consider him (God) faithful he who gives promises.
- Moses almost ruled himself out of being Israel’s liberator on the grounds of stammering. God’s strength is made perfect in your weakness.
- Gideon almost ruled himself out of becoming Israel’s redeeming judge on the grounds of being the least in his family. Always remember that, even the least can leave a good legacy.
- Deborah could have ruled herself out of becoming Israel’s army commander on the grounds of her gender. God is no respecter of persons.
- David could have ruled himself out of becoming Israel’s agent of victory over Goliath (Philistines) on the grounds of being little. Let no one despise your youth or stature.
- Daniel and his three Hebrew friends could have ruled themselves out of occupying key political and governmental positions on the grounds of their immigration status. Those who know their God shall be strong and do exploits regardless of place.
- Mary could have ruled herself out of becoming the mother of Jesus on the grounds of her social status. God chose what is low and despised in the world, what is regarded as nothing, to set aside what is regarded as something.
- Apostle Paul could have ruled himself out of becoming the minister of the Gospel of Grace on the grounds of his past. Behold God makes all things new, and when you are in Christ, you are a new creation.
Beware of riuling yourself out of your opportune moments on the grounds of age, race, gender, social, economic and political state and status.
Don’t degrade yourself.
Don’t devalue yourself
Don’t demote yourself
There is more to you than you can imagine, therefore, don’t
rule yourself out.
Question: What common excuses do people give that rule them out of their favourable moments of greatness?